Been very stress recently. If the stress level is to be compared to water level, the water would have reached just right beneath my nose. Pretty bad situation.... And 50% is what I brought upon myself. Yes, the history is repeating for the Nth time again....
Tuesday, March 11, 2008,10:28 PM
One of the most useful chain mails I've seen so fall.
Actually burning midnight oil is very frequent for me. At least I've burnt the whole of last week rushing reports and revising quizzes. For now, I don't think I can write my report out in the day.
Saturday, March 8, 2008,2:17 AM
20080305 康熙來了 他們是軍人訓練出來的明星
Interesting topic. It has never been done before on this programme.
,12:14 AM
Finally successfully submitted my HT101 Assignment 1 which is due-d 19.02.08, aka the saturday 2 weeks ago.... Phew!
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