For the ppls out that who are having 205 exam on 22/04 like me
梁文福 - 歷史考試前夕 - The Night Before History Exam
如果秦始皇燒書都燒完 我不必讀到三點半
如果周公真的忙著治天下 何必不斷催我入夢鄉
三閭大夫不投汨羅江 賣粽子老王生活怎麼辦
如果楚霸王當年不到烏江 隔壁班劉邦不會這麼囂張
西施不浣紗 昭君不和番 現代的古典美人做何打算 如果劉備哭不出諸葛亮 會不會鬧出一陣劇本荒
只看過薛丁山 偏要考安祿山 知道馮寶寶她演過楊玉環
若非十二金牌將岳飛來調返 今天還吃不吃到油條香
我吃過月餅當然知道朱元璋 吃榴槤知道鄭和下西洋
胡金銓的戲裡聽過東西廠 看金庸小說知道袁崇煥
只嘆林則徐燒鴉片燒不完 西太后偏偏相信義和團
珍妃不該嫁給那個光緒皇 幾千年等到一個孫中山
萬里長城長 沒有歷史長 考試題目比那絲路還彎
五胡亂華亂 我的腦筋更亂 心情比那個八國聯軍慌
多少年的改變已經很習慣 多少次革命總是革不完
謝天謝地近代史老師講不完 下一代歷史考試不敢想像
Tuesday, April 15, 2008,7:38 PM
She's soo pretty. Anyway, its not the main point.
Just can't help coming online to share about today's HC210 Classical Chinese Fiction exam. Its really the most open based questions I have seen in my life as a student.
Here's my favourite qn: 如果可以选择,你愿意成为本学期所学习的中国古典小说作品中的哪一位人物?为什么?
I chose 聂小倩.
And the last part of my answer is 聂小倩在18岁时已夭折,所以身为鬼的她,容颜将永远保持在18岁的花样年华。;P
Friday, April 11, 2008,5:52 PM
Finally, the end of 4 days without Internet. Its been quite a hard time, since a lot of stuff is still going on the edventure. Oh ya, I'll be studying astro during special term with weiyu.
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